13 Feb 2019

African American Read-In to be Held in The Prezell R. Robinson Library

The National African American Read-In is the nation’s first and oldest event dedicated to diversity in literature, established in 1990 by the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month.
Faculty, staff and students, alumni and friends are invited to join attend.  Excerpts by favorite African Diaspora authors will be read or attendees can read their own written work that reflects the theme, “Lawd, how we got over…,” or how we make lemonade out of lemons. Faculty, bring your students; staff, bring your colleagues; students, alumni, and friends bring your peers and let’s all read.
Sponsored by the Book Read-In Committee of the President’s Committee on Culture. For additional information contact Dr. M. I. Moses (mimoses@svztur.com), Dr. Erin Berry-McCrea (eberrymccrea@svztur.com), or Professor Lamont Sparrow (lsparrow@svztur.com).