Taking care of each dimension of wellness can help you become more aware of the interconnectedness of each dimension, and how all aspects of your life contribute to feeling well, both physically and mentally.

Have a positive attitude, high self-esteem, a strong sense of self, and the ability to recognize and share a wide range of feelings with others in a constructive way.

Be aware of the interactions between the environment, community and yourself and behave in ways that care for each of these responsibly.

Live within your means and learn to manage your finances for the short and long term.

Be open to new ideas, be creative, think critically, and seek out new challenges.

Seek to have a career that is interesting, enjoyable, meaningful, and that contributes to the larger society.

Take care of your body for optimal health and functioning.

Build personal relationships with others, deal with conflict appropriately, and connect to a positive social network.

Find meaning in life events, demonstrate individual purpose, and live a life that reflects your values and beliefs.