Spring 2022 COVID-19 Message
Dear Saint Augustine’s University Family,
Saint Augustine’s University is mandating COVID -19 vaccines for the spring semester as a commitment to protecting the health and safety of our campus community. Therefore, the University will require all residential and commuter students, faculty, and staff on the SAU campus in the spring to be fully immunized against COVID-19 before arriving on campus on January 4, 2022 for employees and January 7, 2022 for students, new and returning. Failure to be vaccinated will prohibit the individual from living, attending in-person classes, or working on campus.
This semester, the University has made tremendous strides to keep the Falcon Community safe by hosting numerous testing and vaccination events on campus for students, faculty, and staff. In addition, SAU will continue to partner with various public and private agencies to reduce the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus.
All students, faculty, and staff who have not submitted a vaccination card must upload their COVID-19 vaccination card to the COVID-19 Health Status and Vaccination Portal before your arrival to campus. For individuals who cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccine for medical or religious reasons, documented exemptions will be accommodated after review and approval. Each exemption is considered on a case-by-case bases. All submitted exemptions are subject to denial. Religious and Medical Exemptions for all campus members must be submitted by December 7, 2021.
Important Dates for Vaccinations:
- Document exemptions by: December 7, 2021
- Employees vaccinated by: January 4, 2022
- Students vaccinated by: January 7, 2022
Important Information of COVID-19 Testing
- All COVID-19 test results must be submitted a week before returning to campus for the Spring 2022 semester
In short, the Center For Disease Control reports vaccinations are successfully preventing COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. For this reason, it is more critical than ever that our community works together to ensure a safe and healthy community.
Students should direct questions to the Joseph G. Gordon Health Center at tdejarnette@svztur.com or 919.516.4502. Faculty and staff should direct questions to Human Resources at OfficeofHumanResources@svztur.com, or 919.516.4351. In addition, all COVID-19 related information can be found on the COVID-19 Response Plan website.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Dr. Cindy Love
Associate Vice President