Getting an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccination is the best way for those in the SAU community to protect themselves and others. Vaccines stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus and allows SAU to return to more traditional operations.
On July 16, 2021, the SAU Board of Trustees approved a mandated vaccine policy which states:
All students, faculty, and staff must be vaccinated against COVID-19. This includes full-time and part-time students, faculty, and staff.
Once vaccinated, faculty, staff and students should let SAU know if they have received one or both doses of an FDA-authorized vaccine by uploading proof of vaccination using the SAU Vaccination Information Portal.
Reasonable accommodations requests for an exemption to this policy can be made based on a medical or sincerely held religious beliefs. Forms for both exemptions are located on the SAU Vaccination Information Portal. Medical exemptions require a physician’s signature. Religious exemptions are reviewed by the SAU Exemption Review Committee and the requester will notified of the Committee’s decision within 5 business days.
Unvaccinated members of the SAU community are required to participate in asymptomatic COVID-19 testing twice a week.
Due to the high rate of transmission of the new COVID-19 variants, vaccinated members of the SAU community must be tested once every two weeks for monitoring purposes. Research shows that vaccinated individuals can still transmit COVID-19 to others. Testing will be offered on-campus three times a week.
Any unvaccinated member of the campus community is expected to comply with this vaccination requirement. SAU reserves the right, at the University’s discretion, to take additional action including suspension or dismissal to maintain the health and safety of our campus community. We will also provide regular vaccination events on campus and through our community partners.
Members of the SAU community are expected to refrain from asking others for their personal health information, such as vaccination status.