SAU Launches JV Football Team in the Fall of 2023 to Advance Health & Wellness
Saint Augustine’s University (SAU) will launch a premier football skills development program through its newly formed Junior Varsity (JV) Football Team. The JV Team will consist of first and second-year students willing to further their athletic careers. Starting in the fall of 2023, the JV Team will play upwards of six games against other JV programs in the state.
“The development of the JV Program infuses health and wellness into our mission to prepare students for leadership,” said SAU President Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail. “I’m excited to see how the SAU Athletic Department and other university units have aligned their programs with our strategic initiatives.”
The JV Program receives coaching and guidance from the current Varsity coaching staff, including the strength and conditioning coaching staff. The JV Program will mirror the Varsity program in philosophy, training rudiments, film study, policies and procedures, strength and conditioning, study hall, and academic support. As a premier football skills development program, the JV Team will spend significant time on individual skills, academic achievement, position development, and football IQ.
“The SAU JV Football Program is a holistic approach to developing well-rounded student-athletes,” said SAU Athletic Director Dr. Lin Dawson. “I’m confident that this program, coupled with our Men of SAU (MOSA) mentoring program, will accelerate our students’ growth as men, student-athletes, campus ambassadors, and civic engagers.”
The university invites Interested high school student-athletes graduating in Spring 2023 to join the Junior Varsity Football Program. Visit the www.saintaugfalcons.com website for more information regarding the junior varsity. Space will be limited to the first 65 students that apply.
“Developing a winning culture begins long before stepping onto the field,” said SAU Head Football Coach Howard Feggins. “The JV Program positions the university community to help students win in all phases of life.”
All potential JV Team members must follow the regular admissions processes for entering SAU.
Once the student receives the confirmation of admittance from the Office of Enrollment Management, the JV Program notifies the student-athlete concerning team membership.
The SAU JV Football Program sets itself apart from other junior varsity or junior college football programs by its holistic program approach to development.
JV members can make the Varsity squad, earn scholarships, and access all Athletics development programs. For more information, contact Coach Howard Feggins at hfeggins@svztur.com.