SAU Yearbook Archive
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The Prezell R. Robinson Library was named in honor of Dr. Prezell R. Robinson, then president of Saint Augustine’s College, on May 13, 1984. The Library serves as a gateway to a robust collection of online resources and services; provides on-site reference and collection development expertise, and facilitates additional services that support the academic programs and research needs of the university.
Scholarly resources at Saint Augustine’s University are located in the Prezell R. Robinson Library, which provides information and research services for the University and community. Equity of access is provided to the physical collection of books, magazines and audiovisual materials through an automated, online library system. Training on using the online library system and evaluating information is provided to library users.
The Library staff is comprised of information educators who prepare students, faculty and all users to be knowledgeable and creative information consumers.
The Prezell R. Robinson Library consists of three floors: Archives, Digital Learning and Traditional Library. The facility also contains seminar rooms with space for study groups and computer labs. Throughout the Library are individual carrels and study tables that will seat up to 500 students.
The Library has more than 100,000 volumes that represent courses offered by the divisions of Business, Liberal Arts and Education, Natural Sciences and Mathematics and Social Sciences. The information resources are in many formats-prints, video/DVD and other audio recordings, Internet and NC LIVE. There are approximately 300 periodicals that provide current information in support of the four academic divisions. About 30 newspapers of local, regional and national coverage are included.